Adam's Antics

September 16, 2014

The Ultimate Weaponized Spyware For Computers and Smartphones: Now Free

Filed under: Law — Adam Scott Wandt @ 10:32 pm


As a Professor, attorney, and technologist, I deliver many academic lectures at John Jay College of Criminal Justice, lecture at conferences to professional organizations, and train law enforcement around the country. In 2012, I began warning of FinFisher, a German-based company (previously U.K.-based) that produces and sells computer intrusion systems, including remote monitoring solutions, and had recently developed the ultimate spyware for smartphones and computers.

Back then, details of FinFisher and its software were not publicly available. The company is secretive as its clients are government intelligence agencies. Some of FinFisher’s clients include nations with poor records on human rights, personal liberties, and privacy, including Mongolia, Pakistan, Vietnam, Nigeria, and Singapore. FinFisher has also reportedly sold software to intelligence communities in South Africa, Australia, Belgium, Slovakia, and the Netherlands.

In 2012, there was little information publicly available as to the full capabilities and reach of FinFisher’s software products. However, since then, information has slowly leaked out through WikiLeaks and other reputable sources. Today, FinFisher is known to produce the most powerful commercial weaponized surveillance malware software packages on the planet.

Two products of significance are FinSpy PC (computer spyware) and FinFisher Relay (smartphone spyware), which when installed grant the ability to intercept all files/documents and communications, such as those over Skype, email, and even video and audio through the webcam and microphone. These two software products can be remotely “pushed” (installed without the user’s knowledge or actions via a Trojan Horse or other method) to any computer or smartphone. This includes OS X, Windows and Linux computers, as well as Android, iOS, BlackBerry, Symbian, and Windows mobile devices. Users of these devices do not have to be anywhere near the vicinity of the person installing the malware. Furthermore, it is nearly impossible to identify that the malware has been installed without conducting a deep forensic analysis.

Disturbingly, researchers at published evidence and reports showing the use of FinSpy PC and FinFisher Relay against journalists, activists, and political non-desirables around the world by government intelligence agencies. But at least the software was only available to international government intelligence agencies and generally kept out of the hands of cyber criminals… until now.

In 2013, during a presentation to the United States Association of Inspectors’ General, I warned that it was only a matter of time until FinFisher’s software would leak out on the web, becoming accessible to cyber criminals and others with malicious intent.

That day has arrived.

Yesterday, on September 15, 2014, Julian Assange, WikiLeaks Editor-in-Chief, allowed both FinSpy PC and FinFisher Relay to be openly published on In other words, as of yesterday, millions of cyber criminals around the world have access to a weaponized surveillance malware package that can be installed with very little effort, giving access to almost all the data on a user’s computer or smartphone.

Within minutes of the site going live, I received a barrage of communications via phone, email, Twitter, and text message from students, law enforcement, and researchers around the world. Most people just wanted to talk about the release of the software, while others asked how long it would take me to download and analyze the software.

Before lunchtime, my lab at John Jay College of Criminal Justice (The Advanced Research Domain for Information Security in Public Policy) had downloaded all available software and documentation. While my team and I obviously cannot deploy the software “in the wild,” we are able to analyze its code to determine exactly how virulent the software really is. We will be devoting a significant amount to time in the near future to analyze this threat and report our findings.

There is a glimpse of bright light shining through the murky water… Julian Assange and WikiLeaks did not release this software for cyber criminals to obtain and use, although it will be an unintended result. Their primary goal was to allow security researchers to analyze the code to come up with methods to protect us all (the public). While we are all at risk today, you can be sure that future software updates from Apple, Google, and Microsoft will contain significant security improvements rendering this software obsolete. That is, of course, until FinFisher updates the code within their products, and the cycle starts over again…

Adam Scott Wandt, J.D., M.P.A., is an Assistant Professor of Public Policy at John Jay College of Criminal Justice, where he serves on both the Graduate faculty of the Digital Forensics and Cyber Security program and the Masters of Public Administration in Inspection and Oversight program. Professor Wandt is an Attorney and Counselor-at-Law in the State of New York.

Media requests on this issue should be sent to the attention of [email protected] with FinFisher clearly identified in the subject line.

Professor Wandt On Twitter: @Prof_Wandt

August 27, 2014

Smartphone Security: Best Practices

Filed under: Technology — Adam Scott Wandt @ 10:00 am

When it comes to smartphone security, there are several “best practices” you can take to protect your data. First, be sure to always update your smartphone to the latest version of the operating system. This will ensure your smartphone receives important security updates that will help keep your data safe. Second, always use a password, even if you think you do not need one. Using a password tells the smartphone you want to keep the information safe, and most smartphones will actually handle your information/data differently than if you do not set up a password. Third, Android users should install anti-virus software. While iPhone users do not need to install anti-virus software, it is an absolutely necessity for Android users. Android users can download one of several free anti-virus programs from the Google Play store. Android users should also enable phone encryption, if supported by the phone model, which can be accessed in the “settings” menu. Android users should also make sure “USB Debugging” is disabled in the settings menu.

Finally, there is a five-step process you should engage in when you are ready to dispose of your smartphone. You should use this process no matter your method of disposal, whether you are disposing of your smartphone through a recycling program, gifting it to a friend, or selling it to someone through gazelle or e-bay, etc. Following this process will minimize the risk that others will be able to recover information/data after you wipe it.

(1) Reset your smartphone to factory default.

  • Instructions for resetting iPhone: Access settings —> general —> reset —> erase all content and settings.
  • Instructions for resetting Android: Varies by phone and provider. Look for “reset phone” or “reset phone to factory default” under the settings menu.

(2) Set the smartphone up again in order to access the App store (iPhone) or Google Play store (Android).

(3) Download and run a secure file shredder that will forensically wipe information from the device. I recommend the file shredder contained in a free secure communications application called Wickr. You can download Wickr from the App store (iPhone) or Google Play store (Android). Once installed, access “Secure Shredder” from the settings menu in Wickr and click “start.”

(4) Reset the phone again following the directions in step 1.

(5) Remove and keep SIM and MicroSD Cards.

While no method can absolutely guarantee your information/data is wiped completely from the phone, this proven method is a proven best practice to ensure that you keep yourself, family, friends, and co-workers safe.


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