A Global Perspective: The Time Warner Center
A Global Perspective of The Time Warner Center (08/25/12) Columbus Circle, New York, NY, USA. Canon EOS 5D Mark II. Canon EF 24-105mm f/4L IS. ISO 200. 65mm f/10 1/400
© Adam Scott Wandt.
A Global Perspective of The Time Warner Center (08/25/12) Columbus Circle, New York, NY, USA. Canon EOS 5D Mark II. Canon EF 24-105mm f/4L IS. ISO 200. 65mm f/10 1/400
© Adam Scott Wandt.
I am saddened at the situation between Israel and Gaza. While studying the situation, I came upon a CNN report that absolutely stunned me. Apparently, Israel’s IDF (@IDFSpokesperson) and The Hamas (@AlqassamBrigade) are using twitter to provoke each other. They have been through a serious of direct exchanges to threaten and taunt each other. They have also used twitter in an attempt to sway public opinion by reporting on current military successes and casualties.
While I would expect each side to publish articles and stories for public relations, I am quite shocked to see them directly interacting in such fashion.
Here is the link to the CNN article:
“Will Twitter war become the new norm?”
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